
EDFA encourages, supports, and participates in eating disorders research

The EDFA Research Committee exists to embed research into the activities run by Eating Disorders Families Australia including:

  • the evaluation of EDFA programs; and
  • undertaking research projects specifically on improving the mental health of families and carers.

EDFA’s Research Committee comprises leading eating disorder researchers from Australia’s top universities including  Deakin University and The University of Melbourne.

If you are interested in being part of EDFA’s Research Committee, please contact us with your expression of interest here.

Research Committee Members

Chair - Professor Genevieve Pepin

Chair - Professor Genevieve Pepin

Deakin University

Professor Pepin is an experienced mental health occupational therapist and a proficient academic. Built on almost 20 years’ work in the area of mental health and eating disorders in Canada and in Australia and including partnerships with national and international leaders in the field, Prof Pepin has established herself as a significant contributor to eating disorders research. Genevieve’s expertise and passion are in research co-produced with carers of people with an eating disorder, understanding the impact of eating disorders on function and the daily activities of those with an eating disorder and their family, and the development of innovative interventions promoting best health outcomes.

Associate Professor Isabel Krug

Associate Professor Isabel Krug

The University of Melbourne

Isabel Krug is an Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology at the University of Melbourne, where she leads the Melbourne School of Psychological Science Eating Disorder Lab. The lab focuses on improving the understanding of the genetic, neurocognitive, environmental, and psychological underpinnings of eating disorders.

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Dr Marianne Wyder

Dr Marianne Wyder

Metro South Health

Dr Marianne Wyder is a social worker with a background in sociology. Over the past 20 years she has worked in various research and clinical positions in Government, Non-Government and University sectors. Her research experience spans the health sector and includes expert knowledge in mental health, inequality, eating disorders, involuntary treatment, family recovery, gender, drug and/or alcohol abuse as well as suicidal behaviours.

Dr Simon Wilksch

Dr Simon Wilksch

Flinders University

Dr Simon Wilksch is a Clinic Director and psychologist (clinical) at Advanced Psychology Services, a private practice providing eating disorder treatment to people of all ages and their families. He is also a Senior Research Fellow in Psychology at Flinders University (Full Academic Status). His research interests span risk factors (including social media), prevention, early intervention, and improving treatment experiences and outcomes for patients and their families.

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Dr Lyza Norton

Dr Lyza Norton

The University of Melbourne

Dr Norton has extensive clinical experience as a Senior Paediatric Dietitian working across the acute and community sector in the area of eating disorders over the past two decades. She is passionate about integrating preventive strategies within the wider community and has research interests in the early years, food communication and preventive interventions.

Laura McCosker

Laura McCosker

Eating Disorders Families Australia

Laura joined EDFA in the role of Research and Evaluation Assistant in 2023. Laura holds undergraduate and masters’ degrees in health and social science, and is finishing a PhD in public health. She has worked on a variety of research and evaluation projects, including in the mental health space, in both academic and clinical settings. Laura is passionate about using research and evaluation to improve the experiences of, and outcomes for, Australian families affected by eating disorders.

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